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Less antibiotic use in food animals leads to less drug resistance in people,...

Australia's policy of restricting antibiotic use in food-producing animals may be linked with lower levels of drug-resistant bacteria found in its citizens. (2006-04-18)

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Study finds MRSA most common cause of skin infections in patients presenting...

Think that's a spider bite on your arm? Think again. It could be methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, a type of staph infection increasingly seen in communities across the nation that...

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Urologic diseases cost Americans $11B a year

Bladder, prostate and other urinary tract diseases cost Americans nearly $11 billion a year, according to a new report from the National Institutes of Health. Medicare's share exceeded $5.4 billion....

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Nepalese researchers identify cost-effective treatment for drug-resistant...

New research carried out by researchers in Nepal has shown that a new and affordable drug, Gatifloxacin, may be more effective at treating typhoid fever than the drug currently recommended by the World...

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Advances in C. difficile research

New research into the toxins, virulence, spread and prevention of the superbug Clostridium difficile is reported in the June special issue of the Journal of Medical Microbiology. These findings will...

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Class of antibiotics can enhance gene-silencing tool

A way to turn off one gene at a time has earned acceptance in biology laboratories over the last decade. Doctors envision the technique, called RNA interference, as a tool to treat a variety of...

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Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis found in California

In the first statewide study of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB) in the United States, California officials have identified 18 cases of the dangerous and difficult-to-treat disease...

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Misuse of common antibiotic is creating resistant TB

Use of a common antibiotic may be undercutting its utility as a first-line defense against drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). Fluoroquinolones are the most commonly prescribed class of antibiotics in...

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Safety, efficacy of corneal transplant procedure confirmed; an antibiotic can...

Highlights of September's Ophthalmology, the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (Academy), include a 2009 review by the Academy of the safety and efficacy of a widely used corneal...

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Vaccine for urinary tract infections is one step closer

Urinary tract infections are a painful, recurring problem for millions of women. They are also getting more dangerous as bacteria develop resistance to the most common treatments. (2010-11-15)

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Intestinal cell defense mechanism against bacteria

Salmonella is widely prevalent in the animal kingdom. The reason we do not suffer from severe intestinal infections very often is due to our body's defence system, which manages to digest invading...

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Study hints at antibiotic overuse in home-care patients

A study of Canadian home-care patients suggests doctors may be overprescribing antibiotics for patients receiving ongoing medical care at home. (2011-06-16)

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New study identifies emergence of multidrug-resistant strain of salmonella

A new study has identified the recent emergence of a multidrug-resistant strain of Salmonella that has a high level resistance to ciprofloxacin, a common treatment for severe Salmonella infections....

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Ophthalmic antibiotics associated with antimicrobial resistance after...

Repeated exposure of the eye to ophthalmic antibiotics appears to be associated with the emergence of resistant strains of microbes among patients undergoing intraocular injection therapy for...

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Alarming pattern of antibiotic use in the southeastern United States

New research suggests a pattern of outpatient antibiotic overuse in parts of the United States-- particularly in the Southeast --a problem that could accelerate the rate at which these powerful drugs...

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Researchers identify novel pathway responsible for infection of a common STD...

Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have for the first time identified a novel pathway that is necessary for infection to occur with the pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which...

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Researchers find evidence of banned antibiotics in poultry products

In a joint study, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Arizona State University found evidence suggesting that a class of antibiotics previously banned by the U.S....

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Antibiotic-resistant strain of E. coli increasing among older adults and...

Antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli (E. coli) continues to proliferate, driven largely by expansion of a strain of E. coli know as sequence type ST131. (2013-03-13)

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New study on UTIs suggests flagellin is key in stimulating body's natural...

A new study by British scientists reveals that motile Escherichia coli isolates demonstrated significant activation of NF-κB signaling suggesting that flagellin plays a key role in up-regulating the...

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Study examines risk of severe blood sugar swings among diabetics taking...

Diabetic patients taking oral fluoroquinolones, a frequently prescribed class of antibiotics, were found to have a higher risk of severe blood sugar-related problems than diabetic patients taking other...

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Antibiotic-resistant typhoid likely to spread despite drug control program

Restricting the use of antibiotics is unlikely to stop the spread of drug resistance in typhoid fever, according to a study funded by the Wellcome Trust and published in the journal eLife. (2013-12-10)

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A way to end recurrent urinary tract infections? Study with mice gives hope

Millions of people worldwide - mostly women - suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) that seriously degrade their health and quality of life. Antibiotics treat individual infections, but...

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New increase in antimicrobial use in animals in Denmark

Antimicrobial usage in animals in Denmark continued to increase in 2013 - mainly due to an increased use in pigs. (2014-10-09)

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Scientists take steps to make weak TB drugs strong again

Biophysicists have discovered why the bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB) are naturally somewhat resistant to antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones. (2016-01-19)

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C. diff study provides insight into antibiotic resistance and risks for...

Exposure to specific antibiotics is linked to the development of certain strains of antibiotic-resistant C. difficile, one of the fastest growing bacteria superbugs, according to a new study published...

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